WEC Message Center

Winter Storm Safety Tip

Strong Winter storms can create dangerous situations. Always avoid downed power lines the wire could be live, which could be deadly.

About the Cooperative

Warren Electric Cooperative

Warren Electric Cooperative was incorporated in May of 1939 through the efforts of several local farmers and businessmen who wanted to bring electricity to the Warren County rural areas. The first substation was energized in 1940 at Pittsfield. The original office was located in Pittsfield until 1943 when the office was moved to Youngsville, Pa. In 1951 the office moved to its present location at 320 East Main Street Youngsville.

Today, Warren Electric has six substations, three metering points and maintains 1,050 miles of line serving 8,851 meters throughout Warren, Forest, Venango, Crawford and Erie counties.

As a member of the Cooperative, you have a voice in the governing of the Cooperative. Each year on May 15th, the members of the Cooperative vote at the annual meeting. They elect Directors to represent their interest.

A Board of nine Directors, elected from the general membership, set the policies and makes the decisions that guide the Cooperative to achieve the best results for the members.

In other electric utilities such as First-Energy (formerly Penelec), the stockholder elects the Board of Directors, who in turn set the policies. The actual consumer has no voice in the decisions of the utility. As a Cooperative member, you are not only the consumer, but also the stockholder.

Your Cooperative office remains open and continues to be an integral part of the Community. We pledge not only to deliver electricity but to try to improve the quality of life in rural areas whenever possible.

Warren Electric has already helped bring dry fire hydrants to the rural townships, offer surge and lightning protection at wholesale cost to our members and we are working with our statewide organization PREA & Allegheny Electric Cooperative to bring affordable alternative on-lot sewage systems to rural areas.

We will continue to serve our members with reliable service, reasonable rates and improved quality of life in rural areas. We are People you can count on.

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Copyright ©2005-2014. Warren Electric Cooperative, Inc.
320 East Main Street, Youngsville, Pennsylvania USA
All rights reserved.