WEC Message Center

Winter Storm Safety Tip

Strong Winter storms can create dangerous situations. Always avoid downed power lines the wire could be live, which could be deadly.

Service Rates, Fees and Billing

Schedule A - Home and Farm Service

Effective January 1, 2014

Available for service to residential and public buildings consumers subject to the Cooperative's rules and regulations.

Members are responsible for reading their own meters monthly.

Single-phase, 60 cycles, at available secondary voltages.

Base Charge: $24.84
ALL kWh: 10.40 cents per kWh

The base monthly charge under the above rate shall be $24.84. Payment of the charge shall entitle the member in all cases to the use of the electric energy. All kilowatt-hours will be billed in accordance with the foregoing rate.

The Minimum monthly charge is the Base Charge, or $1.00 per KVA of required transformer capacity, whichever is greater.

If at any time, the rate under which the Cooperative purchases electric energy at wholesale is modified, the Cooperative may make a corresponding modification in the rate of service hereunder.

The above rates are net, the gross rates being ten percent (10%) higher. In the event the current bill is not paid by the due date of the bill, the gross rates will apply.

Temporary service shall be supplied in accordance with the foregoing rate except that the consumer shall pay in addition to the foregoing charges the total cost of connecting and disconnecting service less the value of materials returned to stock. A deposit, in advance, may be rendered for the full amount of the estimated bill for service, including the cost ofconnection and disconnection.

If a member requests a disconnection and reconnection of service at the same location within a twelve-month period, he must guarantee the electric usage equal to the annual MINIMUM CHARGES, plus a disconnection and reconnection change.

For non-residential services whose usage warrants a demand meter, a demand charge will be billed in accordance with the Commercial Rate Schedule B.

Seller will use reasonable diligence to maintain uninterrupted service, but does not guarantee a constant or regular supply of electrical energy and shall not be liable for damage due to variations or cessations in such Supply. Consumer should give immediate notice at the office of the Seller of any interruptions or irregularities in service or any known trouble, defect or accident to the supply. Seller may interrupt service to any consumer or consumers for the protection of life or property, for making repairs, changes, or safety of the public or when in Seller's sole judgement such interruption will prevent or alleviate an emergency threatening the integrity of its system, or will aid in the restoration of service. Circumstances permitting, Seller will give reasonable notice of any contemplated suspension. Should service be interrupted for any of the above reasons, or should service fail by reason of any accident, strike, legal process, governmental interference, or any cause whatsoever beyond its control, the seller shall not be liable for damages, direct or consequential, resulting therefrom.

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320 East Main Street, Youngsville, Pennsylvania USA
All rights reserved.